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Orthodox Monasticism: The Degrees of Monks

Although the Rassophore does not make formal vows, he is still morally obligated to continue in the monastic estate for the rest of his life. Some will remain Rassophores permanently without going on to the higher degrees. ...
źródło: BlogSearch

Holiday Rentals in Alberta, Canada

Getting Married in Big Sky, Montana | Canadian Rockies Vacations? Ski Canada: Panorama Mountain Village | Canadian Rockies Vacations? Hotels of the Rockies ? The Waterton Lakes Resort | Canadian ? Kruger National Park in South Africa ...
źródło: BlogSearch | bVacation/b in nature ? Blog Archive ? CHURCHES

In the church there are many objects moved from the old temple: a cross made of forged iron; a bhand cross/b made of wood, which is more than 200 years old; a bowl; four bronze cressets; an old gospel dating from the 18th century, ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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